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To enrol with our Service Parents will first apply to Centrelink for eligibility for Child Care Subsidy (CCS). Once eligibility is established parents are required to complete an enrolment process with the Service and selection an educator to provide the education and care.


The Service will negotiate with the families about the location of enrolment, this can occur by appointment and at our office or at their home.

The Service will ensure:

  1. The enrolment process commences with a discussion between parents and a coordinator
  2. Explains all enrolment procedures to parents as required and identify their individual care requirements

The needs of each child will be sensitively identified by the Service in consultation with the parent. The parent will be encouraged to make known to the Service any additional needs, assistance, or consideration that should be given to the child, to ensure recommendation of the most appropriate family day care.

We will provide parents with the name and contact details of an educator who may be able to meet that family’s needs. Where possible, a choice of educators will be offered. In some circumstances, the family will make initial contact with an educator and a home visit may occur before enrolling.


The next step is for the family to meet with the proposed Educator. Often the interview will take place after working hours so that the educator is not preoccupied with the supervision of children in their care. It will be essential for the families to come prepared for the interview, so you can get the most out of the process.

Family need to consider what you want to know about the care and education the educator offers, for example who resides at their home and what involvement they might have with their child. Some other things to discuss include the excursion the child might be involved in on a regular basis and any frequent visitors to the home while the child is present.


To enrol parents will require to fill enrolment form which require some specific documentation and information including:

  1. Information about the child – date of birth, immunisation and CRN
  2. Medical conditions or other aspects the Service needs to know about your child.
  3. Consider the hours of care required process.


Once the enrolment form had been returned and verified, our Service will enter into an agreement with the individual (parent) on the planned arrangements for the care of their child. The agreement through which families can receive Child Care Subsidy is called a Complying Written Arrangement.

A Complying Written Arrangement (CWA) is an agreement to provide care in return for fees. Complying Written Arrangements must have specific information. It specifically explained the booked days and hours/sessions and agreed cost of care for their child.

Before care can occur, the parent will need to go to their MyGov account and agree to the care arrangement.